We have a fun tradition with our good friends, Dallin and Emilee of making gingerbread houses. Dallin and Emilee are always way more creative than we are. Dustin and I have always just bought kits and made our gingerbread houses from those. This year, Dallin and Emilee did a gingerbread train. The coolest part was, they actually made their own gingerbread! I always say, next year, we will try making our own. Really, next year is the year! We are going to be creative AND with homemade gingerbread. I can just smell it now! :) Usually Dallin takes the longest, this year, it was me. I took so long that Dustin and I didn't even get our picture with our completed houses. My house was having problems, as usual. Something ALWAYS goes wrong with mine, the roof, the walls, the sprinkles, everything! It's still fun and something I look forward to each year. Thanks guys for such a fun tradition!
4 days ago